In recent years, Amazon’s share of the US ecommerce market continues to grow, expected to account for 50% of the entire market. For brands eager to stand out in such a vast marketplace, it has become necessary to explore new and unique advertising options. Amazon’s Demand Side Platform (DSP) offers a solution. Brands can target ads to specific consumers based on the keywords in their searches on this platform. An Amazon DSP strategy allows brands to tap into Amazon’s vast wealth of consumer data to create a targeted ad experience for every customer.
This data can be leveraged both on and off the Amazon platform, making it the perfect tool to integrate advertising campaigns between your website and Amazon pages. Brands on Amazon may get lost within the hundreds of search results that appear under any given keyword. However, with DSP, every search, click, and view is collected as valuable data, so the platform can quickly leverage Amazon’s proprietary insights to push targeted ads in front of the right audience. Amazon DSP can tap into buyer history and strategically reposition ads to encourage consumers to repurchase your product.
To give you an idea of Amazon DSP’s range in advertisement targeting, the platform offers six different targeting options. You can choose from these options to best suit your brand’s needs:
1. Contextual Targeting: This option uses real-time data to show ads relevant to consumer searches as they browse the web. Therefore, you can bring your product to the forefront of the search results based solely on keyword searches.
2. Behavioral Targeting: This targets potential buyers who have exhibited browsing behavior around a product of interest in the past 30 days.
3. Remarketing: As discussed above, this option engages with customers who have previously bought your products.
4. Lifestyle Targeting: This shows ads to people continually shopping in the same category. For example, if your brand sells kitchen accessories and this buyer often shops in the Home and Kitchen category, Amazon DSP would target said buyer with your ads.
5. Advertiser Audiences: This option allows you as the company to provide the DSP with a list of audiences you would like to target, and the consumers that fit into those audience categories will receive your ads.
6. Audience Lookalike: If you already have a solid customer base, this option targets shoppers who share buying behaviors with your previously established customers.
It is easy to see how Amazon’s DSP can be customized for your company’s specific wants with these options in mind. Because it is so scalable, this platform can be used in conjunction with other advertising strategies to provide the best tailored experience for both you and your customer base.
The advantage to Amazon DSP is that, on top of access to Amazon’s extensive consumer database, every ad placed is expressly targeted to an individual experience. Furthermore, on top of the different types of targeting options included in the platform, the ads themselves can take on four different forms:
1. Dynamic Ads: These ads are what the name suggests – dynamic. They display content that the targeted consumer would most likely respond to. For example, if said consumer usually reads customer reviews before purchasing products, a dynamic ad may display a review for the advertised product.
2. Static Ads: These are standard picture-based ads that direct shoppers to your product page on Amazon or even your direct website.
3. Video Ads: These ads are simply videos that advertise products similarly to static ads, with perhaps a more in-depth glance at the product at hand.
4. Over-The-Top: These ads display on TV sources, resembling a TV commercial in some senses. They appeal to shoppers through a video medium but require interaction with the product on a different medium.
Because Amazon is an ecommerce giant, creating a successful marketing strategy can be daunting. However, by including Amazon DSP in your strategy, you have a better chance of success. This is due to its highly scalable and individualized technology. By harnessing the data that Amazon already houses, you can combine DSP with Sponsored Ad campaigns to build a holistic approach to advertising.
If you are unfamiliar with Amazon DSP or unsure how to use it effectively, you could benefit from the help of an expert. With AI powered Amazon advertising solutions, Xnurta helps you plan effective advertising campaigns and optimize performance online. We help assess each campaign’s performance and make adjustments where needed. Our deep knowledge of the Amazon ecommerce marketplace will help you leverage shopping behaviors to drive sales and enhance growth.